Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Should I change my laptop from Vista home edition (came installed with laptop) to XP?

I want to change my laptop from Vista home edition (came installed with laptop) to XP.I don檛 know if I will be able to uninstall my Vista home edition and install a version of XP.

Will my laptop not let me uninstall Vista and install XP?


If I am successful with the change, Can I reinstall my original Vista home edition if needed?Should I change my laptop from Vista home edition (came installed with laptop) to XP?A lot of brand new Vista computers. both desktop and laptop, dont even have XP drivers available for some of the hardware and a lot of people have found that out after installing XP. Make sure you find XP drivers for all devices and burn them onto a CD before you make the mistake those others did. If your rig came with Vista I would leave it alone and tweak Vista and download the latest Vista drivers and updates. Bear in mind also that your puter's company will give you no software warranty support whatsoever if you change the OS. If you know what you're doing its no prob yanking Vista and putting XP in and putting Vista back on when you want to assuming you have the appropriate software CDs.Should I change my laptop from Vista home edition (came installed with laptop) to XP?well...presently there are many programme which vista are not compatible..they are trying to improve it....yes..u can always downgrade it which many are doing rite now...u can also imstall back vista if u which tooShould I change my laptop from Vista home edition (came installed with laptop) to XP?I'd try Vista first for a little while and if it doesn't work for your needs, put XP on it instead. Tons of people have had problems with Vista while it works just dandy for others. It has a lot to do with your particular computer configuration and it seems like there are about as many of those as there are computer users. You may find it works just fine for you as it has for some.Should I change my laptop from Vista home edition (came installed with laptop) to XP?I檇, without hesitation, downgrade to XP from vista on a laptop. I tested vista for about a week on my laptop and Microsoft did not take into consideration a notebook檚 performance compared to that of a desktop.

Vista tends to run real slow on even some high end laptops. With XP on my laptop, it honestly moves like a bullet: no lag, no freezing, etc. the installation for me went without a hitch: insert CD, restart computer and follow the onscreen instructions.

Don檛 let anyone tell you that you can't downgrade from Vista; they檙e making that conclusion from hearsay.