I've also heard people say it's possible to do an install by starting the install CD from the desktop. When it gets to the part about installing the product key, do so. Continue through the next few screens and then cancel the setup when you see the %26quot;Get Updated Setup Files%26quot; screen. The new product key is supposed to remain intact. This link shows actual screen shots of what you would see. (I used XP Pro but the steps are the same for XP Home.) Again, I have not tried this myself but others have said it works.
http://www.windowsxpprofessional.windowsHow do I change the XPSP2 Product Key from an installed Volume Licensed version to a retail version?I tried the software mentioned and found it claimed to work although it didn't. To determine that, I used a program found at
The second method, using an aborted install, seems clever but didn't work either.
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