undo the screws round the oblong shaped plates under one will cpu and memory another will be your hdd
carfully remove old hdd and replace with new one
replace screws
boot to cd install windows
the other hdd go to a friend with a desktop and put into his as a slave if it spins and recognised you might get you data backNeed to change the hard drive of my thinkpad r30. Can somebody kindly describe what I exactly need to do?How did hard drive get %26quot;broken%26quot;? Or did it crash? If it crashed, take it to someone who knows what they are doing or a computer store - they can get your files back and copy them to your new hard drive. If somebody took a hammer to the hard drive, forget about your files and kick that somebody's bo-hiney.
Just get somebody to knows what they are doing to fix it however.
You would probably just screw it up more.