How do I do this?
I want Windows 7 and Mac OS X snow leopard.
I saw a tutorial of this a half year ago, but can't find it.
So, at startup you press one of the F# keys and it will show Windows 7 and Mac.Install Mac OS X snow leopard on a windows 7 but can change back to windows 7 at startup?if you have a mac and have bootcamp working start in snow leopard and got to startup disk in system preferences click on windows icon (should look like a folder or at least mine does) click restart
and it should start up in windows 7 first when you want mac osx hold the option key until it show you your startup optionsInstall Mac OS X snow leopard on a windows 7 but can change back to windows 7 at startup?do you have a download of snow leopard or a retail disk?
(please copy it and upload it somewhere and give me the link. i need it!!!)
i have linux and windows, i just need mac, solaris, google chrome, etc...