This probably doesn't matter but if you know what to do please help
I installed CFS3 about a month ago, and recently I tried installing the ETO expansion pack, but but my computer won't let me modify the batch files so I am unable to run the program without switching eras, so is there a way to change the default install path of the GAME so I don't have to modify the batch filesHow do I change a default install location for a PC game before I install it (CFS 3)?Since you did it to me, I guess I can do it to you too, right?
You know, where you ask a question and I'll respond to it with something that has virtually no relation to the topic you were discussing.
You left me a slightly rude message the other day for a question I asked. I don't care for your opinion, and seeing as you don't know me, I think you spoke entirely out of turn.
Now I bet you're thinking, why is she coming onto my board starting something, but in a way, I'm just doing to you, what you did to me.
So why? Why did you waste your time answering my question with something rude and uneducated. You're highly judgmental, and life's too short to be that way. Since you didn't answer my question, nor did you attempt to, and I doubt you even planned to at all, why did you click on the link?
Lack of anything better to do? Or did you just want to start an argument? Maybe you just don't have anyone or anything to occupy your time with, and that's why you sit here, reading things that clearly don't even interest you. Because everybody else took me seriously, and you didn't. Guess you wanted to let people know, huh? Well, it doesn't make you cool.
Maybe you should be nicer on here. I saw you don't have any fans.
Maybe you should be a better person.
Maybe you should use this site for what it's intended to be used for.
Please, remember for next time, if you're not answering a question, don't click on the link. Because you're just wasting my time, and making yourself look stupid, and you seem smart, so why put yourself through that? I think you know what this site is used for. Neither I, or anyone else, should have to explain it to you.